This was always on the cards and it happened indeed as well. In its third weekend, Uunchai dropped further at the box office with only 2.25 crores* coming from Friday to Monday. Now during the weekdays, the film has now been running at just a show or two at select multiplexes, and as a matter of fact it’s showcasing from today onwards is further being assessed, considering Drishyam 2 is doing great guns and Bhediya has picked up well too. In such a scenario, there isn’t much stage and platform that can be provided to Uunchai, except for a few smaller auditoriums with limited capacity.
Uunchai has now collected 28.67 crores* and by the end of week should come close to the 30 crores mark. Post that may be at some multiplexes the film may find a show been reserved since there is An Action Hero coming up, which will see a decent release. In fact for the exhibition circle, there is a happy problem in hand since Drishyam 2 would continue to find audience, Bhediya too will fetch screens if it stays good during the weekdays (which it should) and then An Action Hero is as it is a new movie which would be released on a decent enough scale.
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