Camera is a responsive/adaptive slideshow. Try to resize the browser window
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It's completely free (even though a donation is appreciated)
Camera slideshow provides many options to customize your project as more as possible
It supports captions, HTML elements and videos.

Bunker USA video galley

Bunker USA video galley

Easy shelter solution for industrial and hazardous areas. If you have doubts about fire and hazard safety and the effectiveness of means of egress, you can consider installing additional shelters for your personnel in high-risk areas.

Completely autonomous. Our shelters are designed to use existing communications and networks but have backup water and power sources. Our telemetry service will constantly check and remind you of required maintenance or broken systems.

Panic room, our systems are designed to be used on a daily and always ready basis. So you don't need to prepare a unit in case it's needed.

Bunker USA video galley
